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How to stay productive during the holidays

How to Stay Productive During the Holidays

Hello everyone! Guess what? This is my first blog post on the blog that you are reading right now-That Inquisitive Student! I'm super excited to share with you my tips on how to stay productive during the holidays. So Easter is just around the corner, and I assume that most of you reading this post right now would be on Easter break (or term break here in Australia). I know that it can be super tempting for you to watch Netflix or procrastinate all day during the holidays because, well, you worked so hard during the term! Holidays are great for us to have a break from school assessments and to do things that we enjoy, but it is also important to remember that we should use this time wisely because before you know it, you will be back at school in no time for another term.

1. Wake up early

Yes, oh yes. This is the best tip I can give anyone on staying productive not just during the holidays, but in your daily life as well. I don't know about you, but I feel so much more motivated to get things done when I wake up early. However, when you sleep in and wake up at noon, you probably won't be bothered to be productive because half of your day is gone already. So what do you do? You walk over to your desk to retrieve your laptop and spend the rest of the day watching Netflix. Sounds familiar? It's so easy to sleep in until noon in the holidays, just because we can (also blame it on those late night movie sesh). But you know what? That's not going to be us. I believe that we all have the ability to wake up early and be productive in the holidays.

2. Fill your day with things to do

This is crucial because it gives you goals to achieve for the day, which motivates you to be productive! The way I like to do this is to use to do lists. It works for me because I don't like allocating specific tasks to a specific time period and also because other things pop up all the time so I feel like to do list gives me that flexibility in planning my day. I know that lots of people use planners, bullet journals or the time blocking system so if that works for you, then definitely go for it!

3. Read

During the holidays is the best time to pick up the book that had been on your TBR list for god-knows-how-long because you have all the time in the world to start reading again. It's quite sad that people stop reading during the term because of school assessments but it's okay since you can finally get some reading done during the holidays. I promise that the time spent reading is not time wasted at all! There are so many benefits for reading so be sure to pick up a book today!

4. Learn new things

Have you ever had that thing that you've always wanted to learn, but you put it off because you are too busy with school? Well, here your chance in the holidays to learn something new. It could be anything like a skill or a hobby but I'll start you off with some ideas here.

  • a new language (eg. french, spanish, russian etc...)
  • video editing
  • blogging
  • photography
  • knitting
  • sport

5. Volunteer

Personally, I've never volunteered during the holidays before, but I'd imagine that it will bring you a lot of joy knowing that you spent your time helping people. I have a friend that volunteered at a nursing home and she found it very rewarding! This is definitely something that will give you an unforgivable experience and allow you to grow as a person.

6. Work

During the holidays is a great time to take up extra shifts at work (if you have a job already). It can allow you to earn some extra cash to save up toward that expensive tech gadget that you've always wanted to buy or that overseas grad trip that you dreamt of. If you don't have a job, this can be a great time to get a casual job (if you are up to it) and start earning some $$$ to put in your bank account.

Although it's important to stay productive during the holidays, don't forget to relax and have fun! That's what holidays are there for. I hope that these tips helped you in some way. Happy Easter!


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